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3/5/2014 8:03 PM
Hello! This seems like it is very trivial, but have not figured it out... how do I remove an image from a product? I have added one image, and I can see where I can add and delete additional images. But how do I delete that first image, and go from 1 image to 0 for that product?
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3/7/2014 1:20 PM
Hi Donald,

Currently there isn't a button in the Cart's UI to delete an uploaded Product Image but I have added this to our Dev Raodmap to be added in a future release. As a temporary solution, you have the following options to remove a main product image from a product:
  1. Export your Product data, remove the filename from the Product then import the Product data back into the Cart. The following Import KB article should help: http://helpdesk.smith-consulting.com/...
  2. Delete the filename from the Product in the Smith_Products table of your database.
  3. Upload a new default image.
Hope this helps!
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