HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartShipping not being charged when coupon usedShipping not being charged when coupon used
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4/10/2014 12:07 PM

We have a fairly important issue with shipping not being charged on some orders.

I thought it was because of a combined cart problem... there are multiple download and boxed items in the cart.

But when a customer selects a special coupon, the shipping dropdown is removed! Then he checked out without paying for shipping.

I checked the coupon setup and free shipping was not checked.

See the attached picture. In this case, they were to get a discount of 44.95 for shipping, but not only did they not pay for shipping, but they got an extra 44.95 taken off.

We are using the 6.0 version of the cart with the latest DNN version.

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4/14/2014 5:49 PM
Hi Steve,

May I ask if you would please attach screen shots of your shipping settings.

Thank you.
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11/21/2014 5:40 AM
Sorry for the long delay on this issue... I thought it was maybe gone but it happened again today.

We gave a customer a discount coupon to remove shipping. We use fixed shipping amounts. He applied the coupon, and checked out without selecting shipping.

My shipping settings are attached.

But I was able to reproduce the error! Here is how you do it.

If during normal checkout, you advance without selecting shipping, you get the red *Required text and cannot advance.

But, if you add the coupon in the top box, and click Apply Coupon and get the green "Coupon Accepted" box, you can then click the Checkout button without having to select shipping.

We use simple custom shipping methods with fixed amounts.

You can see the shipping settings attached. In the custom ship methods, we have a shipping amount listed as:

4 International (USPS) $44.95 0.00 % $0.00 All Roles No

So the customer basically got $44.95 off twice, rather than once.

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11/21/2014 4:18 PM
Hi Steve,

Can you upload a screenshot of your full Coupon Settings or can you confirm if the Shipping Amount field has a "-1" entered?
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12/11/2014 3:33 PM
Hi Kevin,

It had a 0 on that one coupon, so that was the reason. The others had -1. So I think that was the cause. So hopefully we are all good now!

HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartShipping not being charged when coupon usedShipping not being charged when coupon used