HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartFourth tab not showing after importFourth tab not showing after import
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4/8/2013 12:09 AM
I have imported a test product to my store and the fourth tab doesn't show up. Everything else is working fine. Please check my import flie attached and let me know what did I do wrong.
I have Smith Cart 5.37.0 running on DNN 07.00.03.
Thank you!
New Post
4/8/2013 12:22 AM
Download my test import file here: http://dl.transfer.ro/transfer_ro-08a...
New Post
4/8/2013 7:26 PM

I was able to replicate the issue of the TabName4 field not being populated when using the Product Import and have logged this to our Bug Tracker system to be addressed. I will reply to this thread as soon as an update is available.

If you would like to prioritize this issue to be addressed immediately, please submit a quote request here - http://www.smith-consulting.com/servi...

It is not required that you sponsor this fix, just if you would immediate attention to the issue you reported.

Please let me know if you have any questions.
New Post
6/6/2014 8:13 PM

I was going through some of our older bugs in our Bug Tracker system and came across this reported issue with the tabs. I just tested for this issue and I can confirm that this is issue no longer exists in the latest release of the Cart. This must have been inadvertently resolved when we made improvements to the Import program.

Thanks for reporting the issue!
HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartFourth tab not showing after importFourth tab not showing after import