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When developing a brand new store. What is the best practice to follow when creating categories. Our current site, I have all sorts of variations of the similar categories (Christmas Trees, Custom Made Trees, Sale Trees, New Trees...etc..) so that I can tell the difference and be assured that I know what product will fall into what category when I do an import.
We have 4 main categories with a lot of sub categories that could have similar category names. For example
1. Everyday Full-Line Products
2. Christmas and Holiday
3. New
4. Closeouts and Sale Items
Do I create 4 new stores and then the new categories within each store? I also have items that could belong to belong to 2 stores if I chose this route. How would departments work in this case?
I read the manual, and I guess I need more -how to- in proceeding with this rebuild.
Thank you
Laura Biltz
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Hi Laura,
I recommend adding a basic setup of your Categories and Product through the Cart's UI then use the Export feature to create a spreadsheet of your store data so you can view the column headings and ensure your import data matches the proper format. This same file can then be modified and used as the import file. Please see the following article for more info - Importing Data
Hope this helps!
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Joined: 12/13/2011
Posts: 26
I've installed SmithCart on a test environment. I've manually re-created all my categories and have added products via the admin tool. I went ahead and did a product export to see how the categories were set up in the spreadsheet and do not see anything in the categories column. This happened with our last cart.
I thought it could have been how the store was set up before, but this time around the store was set up with the newest smithcart install 5.65 on dnn7. Again, I've manually entered all the categories and products (about 30 or so to test).
Any suggestions?
Thank you,
I went back and checked off higher level categories for the items that did not appear in the export. I did another export and the categories did appear. My problem is that I don't want to have to check off the top level and sub level categories for items that appear on lower level categories to have the categories show up on the export.
Also for some of the exported categories that eventually did show up, the last letter or 2 letters did not export with the category name in the categories column.
--> Christmas Accents & Decor~Ornaments;~Black and Gre
should be
--> Christmas Accents & Decor~Ornaments;~Black and Grey
--> ~Angelic Religiou
should be
--> ~Angelic Religious
A few of the categories had a character or 2 missing at the end... not all of them.
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Joined: 12/13/2011
Posts: 26
Hello, I've spent some time paging through the forum today and found a few posts related to import/export and categories. (one of which mentioned the truncating of category names)
http://www.smith-consulting.com/Forums/forumid/1/threadid/14859/scope/posts.aspx http://www.smith-consulting.com/Forums/forumid/1/postid/15164/scope/posts.aspx#15164
So it seems I'm not the only one who has had issues with categories. Any hope for the category and export issues being fixed in future releases? Is there a workaround that I can try to imort my products - I have about 5,000 products that I would like to import.
Any suggestions so I can get my site updated and running again.
Thank you! Laura
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Hi Laura,
I have tested this issue on my test portal and was unable to reproduce the truncating issue but this may be due to the length of your Category names or how many Categories your Products are added to.
I would like to have you login to our test portal to replicate the issue so that we can take a closer look at the issue. Please submit a Help Desk Ticket with a link to this post at the following link and we will provide you with the credentials to login - http://www.smith-consulting.com/Suppo...
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Joined: 11/10/2013
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I am having the same issue. When exporting all of my categories get truncated, but only the last letter normally.
No matter how long the category name or sub category name.
Please advise.
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Hi Steve,
Which version of SmithCart and DNN are you currently using?
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I am using Smith Cart 6.0.0
Thanks Steve
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Hi Steve,
I recommend testing this issue on the latest release of the Cart v6.50 as I am fairly certain that there were a few fixes for the imports included in our last release. If you can't test on your site I can also provide you with access to one of our test sites to confirm if the issue has been resolved. Please let me know if you are interested and I would be happy to set that up.
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Hi Kevin
I recently got the upgrade to 6.5 for another cart I have built. Can I use the same files to upgrade the site I am having trouble with?
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I ran the update to 6.5 and I have the same truncation problem.
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Hi Steve,
I haven't been able to replicate this issue with the Products and Categories that we have on our test site. All the Category names look to be complete but I may not have Category Names that are the same length as yours. I've attached the exported file from the test site.
I'd like to have you login to our test site so we can confirm if the issue is data related or not. This will also confirm if the issue is isolated to your environment.
Please submit a Help Desk ticket with reference to this forum thread at the following link and we will provide you with the login info: http://www.smith-consulting.com/Support/HelpDesk.aspx
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I hope this problem is resolved for you soon. I've spent countless hours going back and forth with this issue. Smith has emailed me this issue as BugId: 281 and was told that I would be notified when this issue would be fixed.
I'm running the latest version and so far the issue with categories truncating has not been fixed.
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Laura Biltz wrote:
I hope this problem is resolved for you soon. I've spent countless hours going back and forth with this issue. Smith has emailed me this issue as BugId: 281 and was told that I would be notified when this issue would be fixed.
I'm running the latest version and so far the issue with categories truncating has not been fixed.
Hi Laura,
Thank you we appreciate the feedback! Could you please confirm which version of the Cart you are using?
I think I may have found the issue with the Category truncation. It seems that if the total characters of all the Categories that belong to a Product exceed 50 characters, that anything after that will be cut off in the Category column of the export. I have updated BugID: 281 with this new information and we will postback to this thread as soon as an update is available.
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Joined: 12/13/2011
Posts: 26
Awesome news. Thank you, I appreciate your help and response to this matter. We are running version 6.50.