HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartSmithcart 4.67 DNN versionSmithcart 4.67 DNN version
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1/13/2015 4:58 PM
Hi Guys,
I have an old DNN6.01 site running Smithcart 4.67 and want to know what version of DNN can I upgrade to before it fails.

Kind regards,
New Post
1/14/2015 11:55 AM
Hi Buck,

The most recent version of SmithCart compatible with DNN 6 is 5.77.

Also, if would like to use the latest Cart which includes many improvements since 5.77 and you are not able to upgrade to DNN 7 we have Ecommerce Hosting available which includes a Cart license. All you would need to do is link over from your site to the store. Our Ecommerce Hosting packages are available from the following link: http://www.smith-consulting.com/Servi...

Let me know if you have any questions.

HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartSmithcart 4.67 DNN versionSmithcart 4.67 DNN version