HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartSubscriptions. EU Tax and PDF invoicesSubscriptions. EU Tax and PDF invoices
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4/30/2015 1:05 PM

I have been evaluating Smith Cart, Billing Manager and Payment Registration but I cannot find what I need. I basically have a site with 4 products, those subscriptions.

  1. The module must be compliant with Tax laws in Europe and automatically validate VAT ID numbers.
  2. It must send out PDF invoices with our VAT number on it and from the customer
  3. I must be able to export subscribers data that includes the VAT number of the customer so I can import that in my accounting software and use that data for my Tax declaration.

 From what I have seen on your site I need:

  1. https://www.smith-consulting.com/Prod...
  2. https://www.smith-consulting.com/Prod...

and NOT https://www.smith-consulting.com/Prod.... Is that correct?

I am confused. I installed all modules but the mix I need does not seem to be possible. I tried to make a product that is a subscriber product but when I order one it never showed up in the list with subscriptions.


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4/30/2015 7:32 PM
Hi Mariette,

The SmithCart module sounds like it would be the best fit for you. Please see the following responses to your requirements:

1. EU VAT Regulations can be enabled at the store or Product level. See the following KB articles: 2. PDF Invoices can be sent to the Customer's from email address from the Store Order Details screen. See the following links for more info: 3. The Cart has several Export options. See the following link for more info: Exporting Data

However, the exports do not include the VAT number but a SQL Server export from the Smith_Invoicing table can produce this info.

We are also available to program the order export to include the VAT number. If you would like a quote to add this feature, please submit a Quote Request at the following link: Request a Quote

Hope this helps!
HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartSubscriptions. EU Tax and PDF invoicesSubscriptions. EU Tax and PDF invoices