HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartMultiple Order Shipping BugMultiple Order Shipping Bug
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9/18/2013 6:21 PM
Environment:  I am using SmithCart version 5.62 with DNN 7.1.0.  Tested in Firefox 23.0.1 and in Chrome version 29.0.1547.66 m.
Basic Setup:  I set up a Custom Shipping rate ($6 with 9% surcharge) and a single product so everything is really simple in the store.
The first trip through the checkout process the shipping rate is applied as expected when I select it from the drop down options.
The problem happens when I go through the checkout process again...I go directly back to the shopping cart and start again.
The second trip through the checkout process, the shipping rate is preselected in the drop down so I don't need to select it.
I can go through the checkout process and apply my payment info and when doing so I see a shipping price of $0.00, the shipping rate that appears in the drop down box is not applied.

From my testing, it doesn't look like SmithCart guarantees that the shipping rate is being applied.
This appears to be a bug in the product design where the shipping rate is applied in a single location using a submit back to the server when the option is selected in the drop down box.  It seems like there should be a secondary check to make sure the rate has been applied when the cart moves from one step to the next.

How do I make sure that the shipping rate gets applied before people checkout?

New Post
9/19/2013 2:22 PM
Hi Andy,

Thank you for reporting this issue. I have been able to replicate the issue and have logged it to our BugTracker as BugId: 259 to be resolved by programming as soon as possible. I will post back with an update as soon as one is available. 

If you would like to prioritize this issue to be addressed immediately, please submit a quote request at the following link:


Please Note: It is not required that you sponsor this fix, and would only be necessary if you would like immediate attention to the issue.

Please let me know if you have any more questions or concerns. Thank you!

New Post
11/16/2015 10:20 PM
Hi Andy,

I was going through some of our older bugs in our Bug Tracker system and came across this reported issue with Shipping ( Bug: 259 ) and I wanted to follow up with an update. I tested for this issue in the latest release and am not able to replicate the issue.
HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartMultiple Order Shipping BugMultiple Order Shipping Bug