I have a couple of questions about configuring multiple carts:
1) Can I extend the numbers of characters allowed in the listbox text under "Confirmation Page Setup (Before Payment)"? This customer has terms they want users to agree to and the listbox truncates about half of the agreement. Another way that might work is to direct to an agreement page and then force the checkmark (might be less desirable) ?? By the way, I am also requesting the customer to revise their terms to shorten them if at all possible. I don't think the legal team will shrink considering the work invested in generating the terms.
Please see the following post for the answer:
2) Can I force a purchase to go through a particular Buy.Now module? The issue I am having is the customer wants users to agree to the terms (mentioned above). If a user adds a product from the Buy.Now module that is configured to show the agreement, but goes elsewhere on the site and checks out through a different Buy.Now module they never see the agreement or required checkmark.
As a note, maybe a listbox and forced checkbox should be added at the product level, and not just at the module level. This would mean the checkout would have to look for this flag and not continue until the checkbox was checked. I think this might be a similar check to the require login for a product. The only issue with this might be the invoice would not display the agreement the current listbox is doing (this is desirable).
Answer here: