HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartBugs in non conditional VariantsBugs in non conditional Variants
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7/29/2010 10:16 AM


I have just spent another 4 hours meticulously debuggging the variants and the problem with the picture not changing. To recreate the problem:

1) Add the picture variants

2) Add another variant with a sort order higher than the sort order of the picture variants.

3) The picture switching stops.

4) Delete the variants with the sort order higher than the picture variant. The pictures swap.

I ran into other bugs which we will discuss later.

-- Art

Variant Change Does Picture Swap
Add all 36 colors with pictures Sort order in range 300-399 Yes
Add Height variants 4',5',6','6-8, 7-4,8' with sort order lower than the picture> Sort order in Range 200-210 Yes
Add Scotchgard No / Yes Variant with Sort Order Range 400-410 No
Edit Scotchgard variants to change order to 5 and 10, respectiviely. Don't know. Lost entire Variant Product Group Table
Delete product and start over with just two variants, height and color Yes
Add Scotch Gard with sort order 5 and 10. Yes

New Post
7/29/2010 4:28 PM


this is fixed now I just emailed you a new dll for the product details page.


At your service,
Dave Smith
DotNetNuke Consulting, DotNetNuke Store and DNN Ecommerce
New Post
7/29/2010 8:46 PM


This bug seems to be gone now. Thanks. We can finish the last conditional bugs with postback and order and we'll finally be done with this !

I can't wait. Thanks.



HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartBugs in non conditional VariantsBugs in non conditional Variants