HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartException saving order and accessing QuickBooks exportException saving order and accessing QuickBooks export
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8/3/2010 3:37 PM

I have placed one order (telephone payment, free shipping, state tax). When accessing the order, it cannot be saved. The SubTotal is empty. When accessing Quickbooks export, I get the following error:

Message: DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.PageLoadException: Input string was not in a correct format. ---> System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format. at System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal) at System.Number.ParseDecimal(String value, NumberStyles options, NumberFormatInfo numfmt) at System.Convert.ToDecimal(String value, IFormatProvider provider) at System.String.System.IConvertible.ToDecimal(IFormatProvider provider) at System.Convert.ChangeType(Object value, Type conversionType, IFormatProvider provider) at DotNetNuke.Common.Utilities.CBO.HydrateObject(Object objObject, IDataReader dr) at DotNetNuke.Common.Utilities.CBO.FillObjectFromReader(Object objObject, IDataReader dr) at DotNetNuke.Common.Utilities.CBO.CreateObjectFromReader(Type objType, IDataReader dr, Boolean closeReader) at DotNetNuke.Common.Utilities.CBO.FillListFromReader(Type objType, IDataReader dr, IList objList, Boolean closeReader) at DotNetNuke.Common.Utilities.CBO.FillCollection(IDataReader dr, Type objType) at Smith.DNN.Modules.BuyNow.RegistrationController.QBListCustOrders(Int32 PortalId) at Smith.DNN.Modules.BuyNow.QuickBooksExport.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) at

I can provide with host access to the installation if you need.


New Post
8/3/2010 9:39 PM

I am not able to replicate this on my test system but there are many different configuration options and I may not have my system configured exactly the way you do. Please login to our test site using the following credentials and try to replicate the issue so we can verify if it’s the build or your site:

Here is the link to our demo site:


if you need a userid to the test site please email support@smithcart.com

At your service,
Dave Smith
DotNetNuke Consulting, DotNetNuke Store and DNN Ecommerce
New Post
8/4/2010 8:12 AM


After more testing, the problem is related to using a fr-FR language pack on the website. I suspect culture dependent parsing / conversions of amounts to be the cause of the problem.

In french, numbers are formatted as n nnn,nn. In the order detail screen, when running with fr, I see some numbers formatted in fr and others formatted in en (n,nnn.nn). The SubTotal is empty.

Steps to reproduce is to install a fr-FR language pack, enable the language in admin / languages (should see flags appear after to switch to french) then create any order and access the order's details. You should see an empty SubTotal and other fields improperly formatted. You should not be able to save the order, resulting in an "Input string not in correct format" error.


New Post
8/4/2010 11:02 AM
Accepted Answer 

Yes we havent tested the cart with other language packs yet. Language localization is a high priority item that our dev team will be working on soon.


Scott Kelly
Project Manager
DotNetNuke Consulting, DotNetNuke Store and DNN Ecommerce
HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartException saving order and accessing QuickBooks exportException saving order and accessing QuickBooks export