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1/6/2010 8:52 AM

A suggestion or observation.

I think it would be better to display, optionally, the number of product on hand at the product detail page rather than at the view cart page. At the point of decision the customer should know if the product is in stock. Currently the customer doesn't learn this until the cart page. It's a negative customer experience. They've decided to purchase, added to the product to their cart, but then learn that it's not in stock.

Additionally, if you choose not to display product on hand the first time the customer is notified that the item is not in stock is a somewhat clumsy "Quantity of [sku #] On Hand is 0" message when trying to check out.

My 2 bits worth this morning,

New Post
1/6/2010 10:08 AM

The reason the out of stock message was added to the cart page is because the user may never make it to the product detail page they could add to cart from the product listing page or create their own product page and add the product to the cart directly by passing the product id in the url. I agree that adding an out of stock message to the product listing and detail page is a good idea and will add to the dev list. Thanks for your feedback

At your service,
Dave Smith
DotNetNuke Consulting, DotNetNuke Store and DNN Ecommerce
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