HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartRemoving Price, Shipping, Tax etcRemoving Price, Shipping, Tax etc
New Post
8/11/2010 3:11 AM


We are using this as a "quote request" facility and are therefore hiding the price. However, on all other screens, such as the Cart, the Mini-cart, and Confirm page etc, it lists Shipping, Unit Costs, Tax etc, none of which we wish to show.

When I try to remove these I get an object error.

Any ideas please?

Many thanks


New Post
8/11/2010 12:12 PM

Currently in the cart the hide price feature just hides the product price on the all the checkout pages. We have a customer that is building a request for quote system just like you and they just sponsored the feature to hide all the subtotal info shipping, tax, etc so that will be availible in the next release v3.03.

If you delete any asp controls it will give you an error because they are referenced in code behind so you cant delete controls. However you can hide them by setting the visible property to false (visible="false") for either the table row, table cell or the actual label control itself will hide those controls.


Scott Kelly
Project Manager
DotNetNuke Consulting, DotNetNuke Store and DNN Ecommerce
HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartRemoving Price, Shipping, Tax etcRemoving Price, Shipping, Tax etc