HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartCategories and Product fields - Smith Cart 3.1.0Categories and Product fields - Smith Cart 3.1.0
New Post
8/20/2010 5:19 AM


I’m testing Smith Cart 3.1.0 and have two questions:

1. I want to add categories / subcategories that relate to the “International Classification for Standards” codes (ICS_Code)

There are three levels of codes and the structure uses “.” To separate the levels. For example:

01 – Level 1 (example: machinery)

001 – Leve 2 (example: commercial)

01 – Level 3 (example: (lawn mowers)

So a lawn mower would be listed with an ICS_Code of 01.001.01

Is it possible to create this within the category structure?

It appears that there are only two levels in the category table, the current level (categoryID) and the parent level (parenteID), so my guess is no but please confirm. Is it possible to add additional fields?

2. For importing products and categories, the documentation shows certain required fields, but these fields do not match the field names in the tables. The documentation cites release 2.44.16. Did the field names change or is there just some relationships occurring behind the scenes?


Dana Richard

New Post
8/20/2010 9:23 AM

Versions 3.2+ have unlimited nested categories, if that helps.

New Post
8/20/2010 10:28 AM

Regarding your second question, the product import reads the csv you are importing based on ordinal column position, it doesnt use the column heading so its not required that the column title matches the actual table field name.


Scott Kelly
Project Manager
DotNetNuke Consulting, DotNetNuke Store and DNN Ecommerce
HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartCategories and Product fields - Smith Cart 3.1.0Categories and Product fields - Smith Cart 3.1.0