HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartSmith.CategoryMenu - BuyNow Page NameSmith.CategoryMenu - BuyNow Page Name
New Post
9/1/2010 11:20 AM


I apologize if this has been asked before. I did a forum search and did not locate the answer.

I have the Smith.BuyNow module (Trial) on a page called Store. Here’s the url in browser address bar:
This is TAB=61 in my DNN installation.

I have placed a Smith.CategoryMenu module on a different page ie. Home.aspx. The Smith.CategoryMenu categories are empty, not showing any of the categories that have been setup.

On the Home.aspx page, in | Smith.CategoryMenu | Settings | there is a textbox named "BuyNow Page Name" that I have tried various scenerios with no success.

For example I have tried:
http://localhost/ test1/Store.aspx/tabid=61
http://localhost/ test1/Home/tabid=61
and basically get the same kind of error for all tested scenerios.

The error is as follows at the top of the Home.aspx page:
A critical error has occurred.
Can't get TabId for given Portalid=0 and TabName='http://localhost/Test1/Home/tabid=61'

The error is as follows in the browser address bar:

I don't know where the url is picking up tabid=40 when I have sepcified tabid=61???

Please advise what the BuyNow Page Name textbox should contain on the Home.aspx page for the BUYNOW module located on Store.aspx page with a tabid=61

Thank you for your assistance



New Post
9/1/2010 11:43 AM

I have it working.

I did another serch in the forum using a different set of search parms and found the answer.

Issue now considered closed.


New Post
9/2/2010 8:35 AM

Just for reference... I know you got your issue resolved, but someone else may not have.

The BuyNow Page Name that the modules are asking you for is literally the "Friendly Name" of the page. If you look at Admin --> Pages, and edit the settings for the page that your BuyNow module is on, there is "Page Name" up at the top. That is what you put in the box, spaces and all.

HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartSmith.CategoryMenu - BuyNow Page NameSmith.CategoryMenu - BuyNow Page Name