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9/6/2010 3:41 AM


In the Smith Cart manual you refer we can import "categories, manufacturers, products and product image names".

You redirect us to a link to a spreadsheet to upload products, right?
How can I import categories, manufacturers, products and image names? Is it the same spreadsheet?

New Post
9/6/2010 12:25 PM
Accepted Answer 

Yes its all from a single spreadsheet. The Import Products function allows you to import categories, manufacturers, products and product image names all from one Excel spreadsheet.

Here is the Field Specification for the xls import for cart version 3.05 and above:

  1. Category Name
  2. Subcategory Name
  3. Manufacturer
  4. Product Sku
  5. Product Name
  6. Unit Cost
  7. Quantity On Hand
  8. Weight
  9. Product Summary
  10. Product Description 1
  11. Product Description 2
  12. Product Description 3
  13. Product Description 4
  14. Product Description 5
  15. Thumbnail Image
  16. Large Image

At your service,
Dave Smith
DotNetNuke Consulting, DotNetNuke Store and DNN Ecommerce
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