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9/8/2010 6:55 AM


If I have more than one store, is it possible have 2 or more sets of buttons, so each store can has their own button, with their color?

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9/8/2010 7:25 AM
Accepted Answer 

Anything is possible.

It would take a little bit of programming... the button images are coded into the ASCX files; you *could* user a portalID to concatenate in a different button URL. In other words, (NOTE: I have not tested this...I'm just thinking out loud, so to speak)... instead of ImageUrl="~/DesktopModules/Smith.BuyNow/images/add_to_cart2.gif" you could possibly do something like "~/DesktopModules/Smith.BuyNow/<%=PortalID%>/images/add_to_cart2.gif"

You would need to change the heirarchy of the folders slightly, and have copies of the images for each portal....

So, in other words, I think it could be done, and fairly easily, with a little bit of programming.

Of course, the best solution is to sponsor that particular enhancement. Dave gives very nice prices for custom programming, so that we all benefit from the newly added features.

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