HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartHow Are Multiple Subscriptions Handled?How Are Multiple Subscriptions Handled?
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9/8/2010 11:17 AM


I was wondering what method Smith's uses to handle a situation where a users subscribes to two products which both have the same role at different times? So once the first role attachment has expired, you don't want the role removed unless all products have expired. Is this the case? Or does Smith remove the role even if the user has another subscription to the same product and its expiry is later?


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9/8/2010 4:24 PM

If a user is already a member of the role when they purchase the cart adds the purchased days to the end of the expiry date or the purchase date whichever is the later. If role expiration is left blank the role will not expire until you remove the role from the user.

For example, if a customer orders a 1 year subscription (example on Jan1, 2010) their expiry date for that role will be Jan 1, 2011. If they then order a product that comes with a free 90 day subscription, on February 1, 2010 the cart will update their expiry date to April 1, 2011 which is 90 days from their current role expiry date.


Scott Kelly
Project Manager
DotNetNuke Consulting, DotNetNuke Store and DNN Ecommerce
HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartHow Are Multiple Subscriptions Handled?How Are Multiple Subscriptions Handled?