Thank you. I figured I could put in the missing fields for my customer programmatically and simply gave her the spreadsheet with the fields she would understand only. The insert statement can generate those other fields as needed.
Sku Group Name Image SortOrder Required QtyOnHand
32111 Color Lake 32111 LAKE.JPG 0 FALSE
32111 Size S NULL 0 TRUE 1
32111 Size M NULL 0 TRUE 2
32111 Size L NULL 0 TRUE 2
32111 Size XL NULL 0 TRUE 1
32111 Color Black 32111 BLK.JPG 0 FALSE
32111 Size S NULL 0 TRUE 1
32111 Size M NULL 0 TRUE 2
It looks like she's put the sizes under each color separately... however row 2 and row 2nd from bottom look exactly the same. I think she is trying to indicate the quantity on hand per size and color simultaneously.
Which brings me to that question directly... when you have two variants that "intersect" how does quantity on hand work?
They don't use different SKUs for different colors or sizes. Perhaps your design expects us to use different SKUs for different colors of the same product.
Tell me how to set color and size up. If we should make SKUs for the various colors then we will do so... Because as it stands, I'm confused by the concept that there can be 5 black items, 3 of which are size S. If someone buys a black S then the Quantity On Hand for Black and for S would both decrement?
They want to show the product on a model as the main picture for the product. Then after clicking on the model, see the colors and sizes available.