HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartDropdown Categories not workingDropdown Categories not working
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9/28/2010 12:25 PM
Have you had any reports about the expanders for the categories not working? I'm having an issue where every once in a while, let's say 1 in 5 times I load the page, the categories won't expand. If I refresh the page, they work fine. I have verified this across multiple machines and browsers. Has any one else reported a problem/solution about this?
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9/28/2010 1:00 PM

I haven't noticed it.... and I have 300+ categories.

However, I have noticed that if your BuyNow module is on the same page as your category module, do NOT put the name of the page in the bottom of the Categories module. This does 2 things; 1) It keeps the categories expanding properly, especially if you style the categories like I have, because the module is then communicating using inter-module communications instead of post-backs, and 2) it keeps it from doing a post-back. As soon as you do a post-back, it collapses the categories back to default again.

Am I rambling? I'm sorry... I have a horrible cold.... I hope I'm making sense today. lol

New Post
9/28/2010 1:04 PM
I'm wondering if it is something with my skin. I had some issues with these not working at all until I added some tags in the skin. I don't have the name in the module settings. Like I said it is really strange, because they will work most of the time, just every once in a while they don't. Makes it really hard to troubleshoot.
HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartDropdown Categories not workingDropdown Categories not working