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New Post
10/23/2010 7:54 PM
Is there any way to verify a correct installation of the SmithCart?

I know there is the concept of a checksum where I could run a program to checksum over all the installed files and then compare it with your official checksum for a version if you would provide one.

Reason I ask is that I am only getting 50% valid installs. I have to remove the whole installation each time and reinstall. Why is this? So far today I've had to reinstall three times!

First it is the product listing page with an object not found reference, then it was a problem with the category menu and now my detail page states that there is no product ID when it responds to a valid request from the product listing page. Each time something goes wrong, it seems I have to start from scratch and reinstall. I have no idea what corrupts the installation. I'm running 5.5.0, 3.87 on discountasp.net and we've missed our release date for the site.

New Post
10/24/2010 1:48 PM

How did you get 50%? Did you receive any errors when installing the module? Did you have an entry in the event log/event viewer?

The first step is to determine is why it is failing. The install process is very predictable and reproducable in DotNetNuke, in fact you can follow the process from the .dnn file itself.

The most common issues installing modules are

1) Failing to unblock the download.

2) Improper folder permissions in the web application root (including inheritance)

3) Scripts missing object qualifiers (if used)

4) Out of sync tables or files (usually from a failed dnn upgrade or module upgrade)

5) App restart to reinitialize the module.

There is a manual way to verify the installed files, but I would look for the real issue before trying again.

New Post
10/24/2010 1:48 PM

<duplicate post>

New Post
10/24/2010 8:16 PM
Yes. I use DNN a lot for other sites. Specifically we use many different third party modules and don't have this hit or miss (4/8 installs have had at least one of the three problems mentioned previously) problem with those modules.

This is a hosted website however... whereas most of the others are our own servers.

I watch the install script and it reports no errors.

Currently, the detail page does not interpret the post parameter for productid. This is similar to the product list page not interpreting the categoryid from the category menu (which I don't use now).

The detail page *used* to work on this very same version.
New Post
10/24/2010 8:30 PM

Here are a couple of additional things you can try that may help:

  • Before installing on your live create a new dnn 551 instance on your laptop and verify everything works before installing on your live site
  • Reset iis before you install to release the cache and any potential locks on the files
  • Make sure you have the latest cart from the downloads page as we updated 3.87 friday
  • After install if it doesnt work extract the cart install zip in file explorer and copy the dlls to \bin and the ascx files to \desktopmodules\smith.buynow

At your service,
Dave Smith
DotNetNuke Consulting, DotNetNuke Store and DNN Ecommerce
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