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11/1/2010 3:21 PM

I'm so close now to W3C passing (two items I did... commented out the link to the sytle sheets and moved them to the head using a script module) but now have only 1 error... has to do with the disable link on the "First" link button on the paging... I found an ASP forum post that states a way it might be fixed... would be awesome if you could maybe use a CSS or the suggested fix below and I would be W3C compliant (which supposedly google likes a lot) - also noted in earlier post a few of the </br> links needed to be properly closed and use nowrap="nowrap" and that gets rid of the errors... You guys did such an awesome job getting it so clean (I had over 3000 errors using Catalook on the homepage!!!)


New Post
11/1/2010 7:10 PM

There were a couple instances of the </br> and nowrap="nowrap" on the product listing page that we changed today in v3.89. I will have programming look into the link you sent and see what it will take to make the change. Thanks for reporting the w3c issues!

At your service,
Dave Smith
DotNetNuke Consulting, DotNetNuke Store and DNN Ecommerce
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