HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartShipping and weightShipping and weight
New Post
3/3/2010 1:32 AM

Hi, is there a way to relate the weight of a product to the shipping cost?

Many thanks!


New Post
3/3/2010 6:24 PM

How did you configure shipping in your cart? If you use the shipping calculator then the ship cost returned is based on the total weight of the products in the cart.

At your service,
Dave Smith
DotNetNuke Consulting, DotNetNuke Store and DNN Ecommerce
New Post
3/5/2010 3:48 AM

Thank you.


New Post
3/5/2010 4:48 AM

Hello, how could I set up the shipping calculation ouitside the US?

I would like to have the option of setting up something like: weight x £££ x country?

Well... at least something weight related....



New Post
3/5/2010 5:56 PM

Option 1:

The only way to achieve what you want to do in your example is to use the shipping calculator with USPS or UPS as the shipping carrier. We are adding Canada Post as a new shipping carrier (Availible next week) but that wont help you since you are in Europe. If you use the shipping calculator the cart computes real time shipping rates based on the total weight of the products in the cart and the "To" and "From" country and zip code.

Option 2:

Configure shipping as follows:

  1. Check free shipping
  2. Enter a handling charge to both domestic and international
  3. Check combine shipping and handling

When you configure shipping this way the cart will compute a fixed shipping cost (the cost entered for handling) for both domestic and international orders.

Option 3:

Configure custom shipping methods. For example, you could configure the following shipping methods:

  1. Ground - $6.95
  2. 3rd Day - $8.95
  3. 2nd Day - $10.95
  4. Overnight - $12.95
  5. Will Call/Pickup - Free

With this option the cart will charge fixed shipping based on the method the user selects on the cart screen. This option will only configure fixed shipping costs and does not factor in wieght of the products or country.

New Post
3/8/2010 3:04 AM

Thank you - the option "Use Product Level Shipping Costs" on the module settings site is what I am looking for.

There is a new button "Shipping Setup" in version 2.60.0 for each individual product.

Thank you for your help.


HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartShipping and weightShipping and weight