HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartISSUE: Serial NumbersISSUE: Serial Numbers
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11/29/2010 6:55 AM

If someone adds a quantity of 2 items that have a serial number to the cart (instead of adding each item separately), they are only assigned one serial number.

In other words, if I purchase two "Add to Naughty List" donations, by clicking "Add to cart" Twice, so that two lines are generated, it works fine. However, if I select "Add to Naughty List", then change the quantity to two, they are only given one serial number.

It's not show stopping; and it has only happened to one customer, but I thought I would mention it for future reference.

HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartISSUE: Serial NumbersISSUE: Serial Numbers