Thanks for your quick reply.
I'm not an expert in Paypal, even in .com or .es ...
What I need is that in Paypal the front-end screens for the user credit card payment, messages, info, etc... are in spanish.
I don't know if passing my Paypal user business account (merchant email) to paypal.com it redirects to paypal.es (in spanish). In fact it seems that it really occurs (or something similar) because the Paypal error message I obtain is in spanish.
When in the cart setup configuration I select "Spain Euros - €" or just "Euro - €" as store currency the error is the same. If we read the paypal error message it seems as the cart pass a wrong currency code to Paypal => code "ES" instead of "EUR" ¿? ... I don't know.
The paypal error message (translated from spanish) is:
"This recipient either does not accept payments denominated in ES or has specified an invalid currency code on his web site. Please contact the seller and ask him either to update his payment receiving preferences to accept this currency or to correct his web site to specify a valid currency code."
In fact, I've found a very similar thread from a canadian person: