HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartEditing orders after the saleEditing orders after the sale
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12/15/2010 7:57 AM

I had a situation where a customer ordered some stuff that was out of stock. The warehouse manager called the person, and they chose some different items. I went to edit the order, so that it matched up... but when I would change an item in the "Manage Orders" section, and hit update, it wouldn't update.

Just an FYI.

New Post
12/15/2010 10:40 AM

Are there any errors in your dnn event viewer? What data did you try to change on the manage order detail page? Was it just line item info?


Scott Kelly
Project Manager
DotNetNuke Consulting, DotNetNuke Store and DNN Ecommerce
New Post
12/15/2010 1:05 PM

I tried changing the item itself. It gave me a drop-down of all the items, I chose the new item, it wouldn't take it.

Like I said, it's not a show-stopper, but it's not correct.

New Post
12/15/2010 1:36 PM

On a very similar note, it would also be good to edit the order number so that it can match up with in house order numbers.

At the moment, the order number is just the primary key for the PayHist table. Perhaps it could be an independent field - programmers always love using database keys but they are really ugly identifiers (that goes for URLs too). Also, it can be embarrassing when you open a new store and some customer gets order ID "3", for example. Makes the seller look really unimpressive.

Also not a show-stopper.

@gbaughma - what happens if you change the product in the database table? I assume that'll work, albeit not a viable solution.

New Post
12/15/2010 2:23 PM

I added another field (MASOrderNumber) to my StoreOrders table for just that (house order numbers)

HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartEditing orders after the saleEditing orders after the sale