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3/23/2010 2:23 PM

Question: Can the cart allow for no payments to happen? I'm looking for a solution that just takes the orders, and does not require a payment option.

There are 3 options for cart to work for no payment.

Option 1
If you set the product price to zero and set free shipping in the cart admin settings then during checkout the cart will skip step 2 which collects credit card and payment information. This option allows customers to add items to the cart and checkout without making payment.

Option 2
You can configure the payment gateway as manual. When the gateway is set to manual the cart will still prompt for the credit card info on step 2 of the checkout but will not try to authorize the credit card so essentially everyone can checkout without making payment.

Option 3
In the cart admin settings there is a checkbox option called “Show Bill Me Later” in the payment method setup. When the “Show Bill Me Later” option is checked the user is presented with the option to pay now using a credit card or pay later on step 2 of the checkout. On step 2 of the checkout, when the “Pay Now” radio button option is selected the user enters credit card information normally. When the user selects the “Bill Me Later” option the credit card fields are hidden and the user is able to checkout without entering a credit card.

Scott Kelly
Project Manager
DotNetNuke Consulting, DotNetNuke Store and DNN Ecommerce
HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartChecking out without requiring a credit card or payment infoChecking out without requiring a credit card or payment info