HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartProduct import - overwrite or add only?Product import - overwrite or add only?
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3/24/2010 7:25 AM

I have been trying to use the product import function, as we're going to be putting in 300+ products before we go live. It seems that, even if uploading a product with a sku that's already in the system, it will not overwrite the product, but rather adds a new product with the same sku. Is this how it's supposed to happen? It would be fabulous if the entire inventory could be maintained by regular uploads over top of what's current, to overwrite products currently in inventory with altered prices as well as altered status, i.e. featured/not featured, activated/deactivated. Can it work this way?


Ken Robbins http://macoundesign.com
New Post
3/24/2010 5:39 PM


The product import in the cart does not match by sku and update records it adds all the products to the smith_products, smith_manufacture and smith_cateogry tables from your spreadsheet. The import feature does match on category and manufacturer and will not add duplicate categories and manufacturers but there is no sku matching. Definitely a good enhancement request will send it over to programming to add to the feature enhancement list for future releases.


Scott Kelly
Project Manager
DotNetNuke Consulting, DotNetNuke Store and DNN Ecommerce
HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartProduct import - overwrite or add only?Product import - overwrite or add only?