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1/23/2011 1:23 PM

Is there a way to customize the store page, so that when customers goto the store they are able to navigate through categories using a sidebar menu? Currently, all my products are displayed on 1 page and the only way to navigate them is by using the search drop down. I find the search drop menu isn't user friendly and clear to less-computer savvy customers.

Here is my store: http://www.nu-tea.ca/OnlineStore.aspx



New Post
1/24/2011 7:05 AM

Is there something you don't like about the category menu that's included with the cart?

New Post
1/24/2011 8:38 AM

Well, I tried it out before and I didn't like the way it looked and I wasn't interested in re-styling it. Although, perhaps I will take another look at it. I've checked out your website Advantage Emblem, and it's given me some new ideas on how I can use the category menu. Perhaps the main problem is that I need a new skin for my store which has Panes on the left and right side like yours does. Let's see if I can make it work...

New Post
1/24/2011 1:59 PM

Yeah... I was considering re-writing the category module with the fly-outs instead of the treeview.... treeview, for some reason, seems confusing to people.

I just haven't gotten a "round tuit".

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