HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartNon USA shipping state not savingNon USA shipping state not saving
New Post
1/23/2011 10:08 PM
Verified this on the www7 test site, I think.

I input Australian store settings.

Customer buys a product and enters shipping address. The state (a textbox rather than a dropdown for non-USA addresses) does not save. Street, County, Telephone details all save fine, but not state.

Thanks for investigating...

New Post
1/24/2011 4:33 PM

I just tested this on our test site, using "Melborne" as a state and it saved all the information. What state are you trying to use?


New Post
1/24/2011 4:48 PM
Accepted Answer 
Hi Christian,

Before when I went into Store Admin, Manage Orders, the state column was completely empty.

It now has data in it. Weird...

I can't replicate the problem now, but anyway the state was VIC.

Has anyone else found their store has no orders with state saved? I'm stumped.

New Post
1/26/2011 10:09 PM
OK, I've found something. Verified on the test portal. Check out the www7 test site, see order ID 15.

I have attached a screenshot.

This is a general problem; there is a disconnect between some of the text boxes in the manage order page (within a single order), and those in the manage order screen (the page with all the orders) and/or the customer checkout.

Here's another example -
1. Go into a non-USA order, and change the country to USA.
2. Choose a USA state. Save. It works fine.
3. Go back into the order. Change the country back to something else (e.g. Australia). Save.
4. Go back to the list of orders. The USA state is still there.

Here's another example -
The Bill Me Later option (see www7 order id 15) is chosen, and the total amount is not displayed.

Please advise when some re-factoring might be done to get these glitches working.

Thank you.

New Post
1/27/2011 9:50 PM
It seems that hitting SAVE in the manage order detail page is really buggy.

I just hit save on order ID 17 on your www7 test site - check it out, state is deleted (inside the manage order page, and from any ship emails you send).

And another thing about this, just happened now:
- a client ordered and entered the state correctly
- it showed up fine in the order list
- I selected the order, chose status = shipped, then entered shipping details, hit save.
- then send order email

Here's what happens:
- the order email put the city in twice (address1 followed by city) and omitted the state.
- the state was deleted from the order details. It can no longer be saved there.

Using cart 3.97, Australia based.

Previous problem still remains, this is additional.
New Post
1/28/2011 1:20 PM

I was able to confirm this, and have forwarded it to programing. I will get back to you with an update when available.


New Post
1/28/2011 10:44 PM

This has been fixed and will be available in cart v4.0 scheduled to be released this Monday. Thanks for reporting the issue!

At your service,
Dave Smith
DotNetNuke Consulting, DotNetNuke Store and DNN Ecommerce
HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartNon USA shipping state not savingNon USA shipping state not saving