Here is what we are trying to achieve.
We want the main page to have headings above groups of products (these headings are the categories). We want all the
products shown on this page. We do NOT want the heading before each product, only before the first product in each
So an example of this would be
Category 1
Product 1
Product 2
Category 2
Prodcut 3
Cateogry 3
Product 4
Product 5
Product 6
and so on...
In your aspx file named ProductList.aspx, I believe I see the two sections in the file that refer to categories and
Categories begins with... <td valign="top" runat="server" id="tdMenuCategories">
Products begins with ... <td style="text-align: center; vertical-align: top;" runat="server" id="tdProductList">
Is this correct?
How can we change the layout of this page to loop through the Categories with a nested loop for Products in that category,
so the layout will mimic the example above? Is this possible?