HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartGetting Rid of "Add to Cart" ButtonGetting Rid of "Add to Cart" Button
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4/11/2010 12:28 PM

In short, the options for hiding the "Add to Cart" button don't seem functional. I've checked off every one I can find in all the modules and I still get an "Add to Cart" button every time I display a product. Normally not a problem, except I want to use the module simply as a product catalog. I am an affilliate, so whenever a user wants to buy any one of several different order forms needs to pop open (I've got that part solved). But if I can't get rid of Smith's "Add to Cart" button the module simply isn't going to work for me.

Thanks. Please let me know if there is a recommended fix.

New Post
4/12/2010 10:00 AM

I just tested this our test site and it worked for me can you send a link to your site?

Scott Kelly
Project Manager
DotNetNuke Consulting, DotNetNuke Store and DNN Ecommerce
New Post
4/12/2010 11:45 AM

OK, I put a test page out for public view with the Smith modules on it. Go to http://thunderheadgaming.com/ and click on the Test Page in the left hand menu. There is only one sample product loaded. You'll see that there is no "Buy Now" button in the Featured Product or Buy Now module container, which is what I want. However, when I click on the Category in the CategoryMenu container, the "Buy Now" button appears in the rest of the modules. I'm sure I must have something configured wrong. It seems at least to be partially working.

Please post again when you've examined the site so I can remove the test page from public view.


New Post
4/12/2010 3:38 PM

We were able to verify this was a bug when you have configured the "add to cart" button to be hidden. Emailing you a new dll now to fix the issue.

Scott Kelly
Project Manager
DotNetNuke Consulting, DotNetNuke Store and DNN Ecommerce
HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartGetting Rid of "Add to Cart" ButtonGetting Rid of "Add to Cart" Button