HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartHow to structure Products and Add-Ons using SC data model??How to structure Products and Add-Ons using SC data model??
New Post
2/5/2011 8:49 PM
I have an application where eight main products are offered.

Each product has a varying number of add-ons that can be ordered. The add-ons add to the base price of the main product.

How do I enter this into Smith Cart? The data model has variants but I don't want to create a variant for every combination of add-ons. Is this combinatorial solution the only way to provide all, some or none of the add-ons to the user? Should I be using some other feature of the data model like the product matrix or conditional variants?


Answer: Make each add-on a variant group and put a single add-on variant in each group. That way checked boxes add the price adjustment for each group (hence each variant in that group) to the total.

New Post
2/8/2011 4:22 PM

You already answered your own question, but yes that would be the best way to structure your.


HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartHow to structure Products and Add-Ons using SC data model??How to structure Products and Add-Ons using SC data model??