HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartBUG: Text box variants have stopped calculatingBUG: Text box variants have stopped calculating
New Post
2/4/2011 11:20 AM

Hi Dave,

As we talked about this this morning as "maybe a bug", I can not, unfortunately confirm that it is a bug. If you go to the www7.smith-consulting.com server and choose the 240V-1000W0608H product, you will see it. Values should multiply for the Measured Width Feet text box by 136, the Measured Height Feet by 10. For the conditional variant textboxes, Recessed Hat Channel should multiply by 8, Curvable I beam by 16. None of these change the price when you tab out of them , or when you add to cart. Please fix as soon as possible. Thank you.



New Post
2/8/2011 12:59 PM


Would anyone like to address this?

-- Art

New Post
2/8/2011 3:47 PM

I'm not totally clear on what your asking:

Are your asking why when you enter Measured Width Feet it doesn't automaticly populate Measured Height Feet with the correct ammount(IE Width*136=Height)?

As for the variant boxes not working, it does work, I added a test product that uses it here. It's most likley something in the way you have your product setup, are you trying to have a variant field auttomaticly populate another variant feild?



New Post
2/8/2011 6:14 PM

Ok Christian,

I am asking for the textboxes to calculate and add to the price as they have in the past. For my test product, if I enter a value of 5 in the "Measured Width Feet" field, I expect that the price will adjust by 5 x the 136 because 136 is the number in the price adjustment field for the product variant called "Measured Width Feet". Unfortunately it does not. In your case that you put together, you used a one word Variant "Length" to see if the cart could multiply by "1", the value in the price adjustment field. For cases of one word textbox variants, the program works. If you add multiple words, the textbox field does not work. "Most likely" it's a bug. Now please fix your bug. Thank you.



New Post
2/8/2011 9:06 PM


I get what you mean now, and can confirm that when there is a space on the text box variant it doesn't work, I have sent this issue into programming and we will get a fix out shortly.

In the mean time, you can take the spaces out of the name of the product with text box variants.

Thanks for reporting the error! (And sorry I didn't get what you were talking about before ;))


New Post
2/15/2011 8:34 AM

Can you give me a status on this? Removing the spaces from the variant names isn't a viable answer because you will appear to be ignorant on how to spell things. Listing "MeasuredWidthFeet", when you are looking to have the person input the "Measured Width [in] Feet" into the textbox doesn't give a good impression that we are a quality organization.

-- Art

New Post
3/14/2011 6:50 PM

Hi Christian, Dave, etc. I couldn't help but notice that you haven't updated me on the status of this bug after another 4 weeks after asking. It is NOT fixed as Dave had alluded to last week on the phone and makes one look like an illiterate to run multi-word variants together so the program works.

New Post
3/23/2011 2:27 AM
This has been fixed, and a hot-fix is available on the downloads page, thanks for reporting the error!

HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartBUG: Text box variants have stopped calculatingBUG: Text box variants have stopped calculating