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4/16/2010 9:20 AM

I have set the skin page on the checkout pages and cart pages, but when you go to checkout, it is still the default minimal intropy (or whatever) dnn skins. If I go to the settings of the pages, they show my storefront skin, but they don't view properly. To see it, you can go here to see my storefront skin http://temp.yandasmpa.com/Storefront...., if you click on add to cart, it will take you to a page that is not showing properly, even though it is set to the same skin.

New Post
4/16/2010 10:08 AM

In your dnn site settings you need to set your admin skin/container to what you have set for your portal skin.

Here is another forum post on it:


Scott Kelly
Project Manager
DotNetNuke Consulting, DotNetNuke Store and DNN Ecommerce
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4/16/2010 12:10 PM

So I have a new issue now. In the skin I have, I have a menu div on the left side for the category tree and then a main part. I have added the category tree and it views fine, I also set it to show on every page. However, when I go to a page that has to use the skin from the site default, that menu isn't there. If I add it again, it does not show up on that page, but it shows up twice back on the main pages. Is there a way I can build the category tree into the skin itself using the ascx control tags?

New Post
4/16/2010 1:08 PM

We recently added the show mini cart option on the product details page and we are working on adding a show category menu option for the product details page. Sounds like from your post you want the category menu on every page on your site. You can modify the ascx pages to add a category menu div by following the instructions in this post:


Scott Kelly
Project Manager
DotNetNuke Consulting, DotNetNuke Store and DNN Ecommerce
New Post
4/16/2010 1:27 PM

Just to make sure I understand you correctly. It is not possible as of right now to show this menu on the details pages? It's not that big on an issue, I just want to make sure I understood correctly. Thanks,

New Post
4/16/2010 2:10 PM
Accepted Answer 

You have it correct you cannot display the category menu on the product detail page we should have that feature availible in the next release.

Scott Kelly
Project Manager
DotNetNuke Consulting, DotNetNuke Store and DNN Ecommerce
HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartSkin not workingSkin not working