HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartError goes away when adding BuyNow module to a new page...Error goes away when adding BuyNow module to a new page...
New Post
2/10/2011 1:30 PM

Based on the issues I was having here: https://www.smith-consulting.com/foru...

I have determined that if I make a new page and add the buy now module to it I can access the setting without the error. However no products show up. My question is how can I getthe product from one buy now module to another. I need to be able to export the store contents incase I need to have an emergency backup. How can this be done?


New Post
2/10/2011 4:36 PM
Accepted Answer 

For your first question, you can get the products from one BuyNow module to another one by checking the box Share products between catalogs on the manage product page.

As for your second question:

This is the easiest/fastest method to backup your data and then import it after doing a fresh install:

In SQL Management Studio

  1. Connect to the database you are exporting "from" or importing “to”
  2. Right click on the database you are exporting from to start the Import/Export wizard
  3. Select the "Tasks" item, then either click on the "Import Data..." or "Export Data..." menu item.
  4. Follow the wizard

Here are the cart tables that contain data that needs to be backed up:


Here is a good link that explains how to export/import data using SQL Server:


New Post
2/11/2011 6:00 AM

A simpler way is this:

Add your buynow module on your new page, where you want it.

Add a single item to the products, so that it shows up on your new BuyNow module.

Look in SQL Management studio, and jot down the ModuleID for the new item.

Update the data so your old items (with the incorrect ModuleID) match the new ModuleID, like this:

UPDATE Smith_Products SET ModuleID=(NewNumber) WHERE ModuleID=(OldNumber)

New Post
2/11/2011 7:53 AM
gbaughma wrote:

A simpler way is this:

Add your buynow module on your new page, where you want it.

Add a single item to the products, so that it shows up on your new BuyNow module.

Look in SQL Management studio, and jot down the ModuleID for the new item.

Update the data so your old items (with the incorrect ModuleID) match the new ModuleID, like this:

UPDATE Smith_Products SET ModuleID=(NewNumber) WHERE ModuleID=(OldNumber)

I also have product categories, manufacturers, ect.... So I assume I can do the following as well:

UPDATE Smith_Categories SET ModuleID=(NewNumber) WHERE ModuleID=(OldNumber)

UPDATE Smith_Product_Variants SET ModuleID=(NewNumber) WHERE ModuleID=(OldNumber)

UPDATE Smith_Manufacturers SET ModuleID=(NewNumber) WHERE ModuleID=(OldNumber)

UPDATE Smith_Orders SET ModuleID=(NewNumber) WHERE ModuleID=(OldNumber)

so on and so forth... correct?

New Post
2/12/2011 9:43 AM

Yup. Exactly.

I've had to do it myself before.

HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartError goes away when adding BuyNow module to a new page...Error goes away when adding BuyNow module to a new page...