HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartURL for "Most Recent additions"URL for "Most Recent additions"
New Post
2/10/2011 10:20 AM

Is there a way that I can pass a URL to the store that will give me the product list, by most recent added? I had a customer ask me if there was a link to "New items" on the store.... the easiest way of course would be to give them a list descending by most recent added.

New Post
2/10/2011 4:31 PM

Are you talking about something like url.com/default.aspx?sortorder=dec? That feature currently isn't supported by the cart, however you can use the sort bar to list products decending from when they were created.


New Post
2/11/2011 5:58 AM

My sort bar isn't set up to sort by SKU and so forth... .it's set to filter by main category.

Yeah... I'm talking about something like url.com/default.aspx?sortorder=latestitems or something to that effect.

I think it would be nice to be able to do that; so customers can see the latest products that were added to the cart.

HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartURL for "Most Recent additions"URL for "Most Recent additions"