HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartCategories not available in BuyNow Instances on IHostAsp.netCategories not available in BuyNow Instances on IHostAsp.net
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2/23/2011 12:01 PM
I'm using the "free" shopping cart advertised by iHostasp.net, my hosting provider. This provider pre-installs the cart for me, fully unlocked, but with the red text at the bottom requesting a license key. Not exactly the "$199 value" they advertised when I signed up.
I've set up the cart per the Quick Start guide but I'm having some issues.
I have 3 products in the catalog, each assigned to a different category. When I add an instance of the buynow module to a page and fill in the required fields, none of the categories are available in the dropdown, only the default of “all categories.” I’ve tried multiple times and the problem recurs. Is this a problem anyone else has seen before? The categories are present in the Store Admin area, but they're not in the BuyNow module.
If I can get this product tested with 20-50 products I’ll be a happy customer.
Thanks in advance for any info.
New Post
2/24/2011 12:22 AM

We are partnered with PowerDNN and iHost so Smith Cart is preinstalled. We are aware of the iHost advertising a free SmithCart and have asked them several times to remove it. Although having the cart preinstalled in your portal is a time saver and a value add their webpage could be interpreted customers get a free license.

What version of the cart are your running?

I just tried to re-produce this error on one of our test carts running v 4.02 and was unable to recreate the error but I may not have the exact same configuration as you. Can you login to our test site http://www7.smith-consulting.com/ and try to replicate the error. This will determine if the issue is with the latest version of the cart or an issue with your specific dnn portal/cart install.


Please send an email to support@smith-consulting.com if you need a login.

Scott Kelly
Project Manager
DotNetNuke Consulting, DotNetNuke Store and DNN Ecommerce
HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartCategories not available in BuyNow Instances on IHostAsp.netCategories not available in BuyNow Instances on IHostAsp.net