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3/8/2011 8:32 AM

Are the cart items stored anywhere in the database before the final checkout screen?

Our checkout process needs to connect to a web service that requires a list of the products being purchased to fullfill shipment, calculate shipping and tax in real time before authorizing the order. I thought I would make an intermediate web service that the credit card validation web services connects to. This intermediate service could them pull the cart items out of the database directly and pass them along to the web service for final authorization.

New Post
3/9/2011 1:54 PM

They are in the smith_shoppingcart table but good luck trying to figure out the logic to pull the right items.

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3/9/2011 1:58 PM

It's stored in a local datatable, as well as in Smith_ShoppinCart. I do believe that the field CartCookie is a GUID that ties the cart to the specific web user.

THerefore, unless you know the GUID of the current user to pick up the cartcookie, you could cross orders (which would be a bad thing).

At least, that's my understanding of things... I may be mistaken.

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