HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCart4.21 issues so far4.21 issues so far
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3/10/2011 8:10 AM

I set this up on your www7 portal and found the same.

Urgent (showstopper) Issue:

  1. Adding the same item from the main storefront shows up extremely weird in cart. When choosing a variant, it adds it correctly the first time. After that, it adds the original item to a separate line item. Sometimes it increases the quantity, sometimes it adds another line item. It never adds the variant you really want after the first go around. Attached image. (replicated on www7)

Major issues:

  1. The featured module is not showing the "options" button for products with variants. It shows "Add to Cart"
  2. The "Add to Cart" button on featured throws this error when it is a variant: */Default.aspx?tabid=63&error=Unable+to+cast+object+of+type+%27System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button%27+to+type+% System.Web.UI.WebControls.ImageButton%27.&content=0
  3. If you click on the same product from Featured module, it gets added as a separate item instead of updating the
    quantity to two (Replicated on www7)
  4. The cart has the correct variant the first time through. If you navigate away from the page, and then go back, it now has the original product, as opposed to the variant chosen.

I noticed that the shopping cart only has 6 columns in it now. Where is the sku's etc being stored?

Minor issues:

  1. Silver buttons are not working on featured module - you can only see the left 1/3 of the button (orange buttons work fine and I have refreshed etc)
  2. The minimum and maximum quantities should default. Minimum should be 1, maximum should allow -1 for unlimited, but it doesn't.
  3. Silver button theme isn't in Cart module so they are always orange ***Fixed*** -- I now see the option to change this theme
  4. Silver button theme "View Saved Cart" button is mispelled ("View Saved Car")
  5. The Edit Variant screen (and others) are still messed up when using firefox/IE. This is the case on www7 for the default DNN skin. I use the most popular DNN skin and it is the same way. Chrome works fine. Attached Image. (replicated on www7)
Medium issue
  1. I can no longer set the number of records shown in the store by setting selected="true" in the dropdownlist of ProductsList.aspx
    I can't reproduce this on www7 because I do not have access to the aspx files. If there is a new way to set this in settings, please let me know.
    ***This was not refreshing with F5. Once I clicked on the page, it worked.
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New Post
3/10/2011 2:57 PM

The issue with variants and the stylesheet/screen layout is an issue in 4.0 with FireFox as well.

I know... I've been staring at it for two days adding products. lol

New Post
3/11/2011 3:25 AM

I changed the css so the silver buttons show up all the way on the featured products module, theres a hotfix in the download section. We are looking into the other issues you reported and will get back to you later today. Thanks for letting us know about these issues!

The silver button "view saved cart" being spelled wrong, is also a CSS issue, if you change the following css:



That will fix the problem for you! Thanks for bring that to our attention!



New Post
3/11/2011 6:55 AM

Thanks for fixing those css issues. I don't think there is a point in a hot fix for this version as it is unusable. Let us know when the next version is released. Thanks!

New Post
3/13/2011 3:20 AM

4.22 has been installed on the www7 test site, please test it out and let us know of any other bugs you might find. Everything you reported was fixed in version 4.22.

Thanks again for reporting these issues, and please let us know if you find anymore!

New Post
3/13/2011 7:12 AM

Wasn't sure if you wanted this in a separate thread or not.


Major Issue

Order Details on Submit Order (before submit) and Order Summary (after submit) do not show variants. Attached screen shot.

One thing I can't test is if the Order Details table has the right variant SKU for each variant. This is crucial to my business as I use that table to email my distributors so they know the quantity of each variant they need to ship. Please make sure that is coming in right.

Minor Issue

This has been an issue for a while, but it should be fixed. When entering Variant Inventory, you must check one of the variant check boxes or it throws an error. Just put validation check and a popup that says, "You must select at least 1 variant". The DNN error isn't user friendly for a non-programmer. In addition, all of your functions should be wrapped in try/catch anyways. Write the error message AND stack trace to the logs.

Everything else looks good so far. I will continue testing and add to this if I find anything.

Great work!

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New Post
3/13/2011 12:34 PM

The variants not showing up in the order details on the confirm and confirm status pages has been fixed. I just posted cart v4.22 to the downloads page. The www7 test site will be updated tomorrow with the latest version. Thanks for testing and reporting the issues!

At your service,
Dave Smith
DotNetNuke Consulting, DotNetNuke Store and DNN Ecommerce
New Post
3/13/2011 12:36 PM

OK sounds good. Are the correct variant sku's populating the order details table correctly?

New Post
3/13/2011 8:39 PM

I installed 4.22 locally and the variant sku's are not populating the [Smith_StoreOrderDetails] database table correctly.

The variant inventory is entered correctly.

This is crucial as I email these sku's to my distributors so that they know which product to ship. This was populating correctly in the older version of SmithCart.

New Post
3/14/2011 11:24 PM

Can you post a screenshot of your variant inventory screen?


HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCart4.21 issues so far4.21 issues so far