HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartSmithCart not sending email consistently (4.24)SmithCart not sending email consistently (4.24)
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3/23/2011 6:10 PM


I just had another customer make a purchase and they didn't get the SmithCart email.
Error : Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Error : at Smith.DNN.Modules.BuyNow.Confirm.SendEmail(CustomerInfo customer, UserInfo objUserInfo) at Smith.DNN.Modules.BuyNow.Confirm.ProcessStatus(PaymentStatusInfo status) at Smith.DNN.Modules.BuyNow.Confirm.Submit() at Smith.DNN.Modules.BuyNow.Confirm.btnSubmit_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
I went to send the customer the email from the Mange Orders screen, and the sku's were not correct (should have been PP50 not PP25).  The email did not have the variants at all.   Screenshots attached.
I have had other orders today that worked fine.
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HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartSmithCart not sending email consistently (4.24)SmithCart not sending email consistently (4.24)