HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartProduct Level Shipping Not WorkingProduct Level Shipping Not Working
New Post
3/28/2011 7:13 PM

I just purchased the 4.24 version of the DNN Shopping Cart from your site and installed it over the 3.0 version.  I followed the instructions I received via email (from support) and in the manual and received no errors.  However, Product level shipping STILL does not work.  Every product has a shipping price set, and Product Level shipping is selected in the BuyNow Module settings, but the shipping is ALWAYS $0.00 on the confirmation page for the order.  Please help.



New Post
3/29/2011 3:37 AM
I would recommend doing a clean install, or have you tried resetting IIS?

New Post
3/29/2011 1:22 PM


I installed over the 3.0 cart because that was the instruction I received from support@smith-consulting.com on 3/24, as copied here:

"To upgrade the cart you install over the existing version as you normally install a dnn module.  All of your settings and product data, etc will remain intact. 

Your existing license will work after you upgrade."

I have about 50 products on our live site where I am trying to upgrade the cart to get Product Level shipping to work.  Is there a way to get the new version of the cart working without having to re-enter all of our settings and products?  Any idea what the problem could be?

I will contact our hosting company and see about re-starting IIS and I will add  the results to this comment...

UPDATE:  The hosting company restarted IIS and our Application Pool, which did not help....  I am reverting back to our backup until I get further recommendations.



New Post
4/11/2011 4:00 PM

I just tried to re-produce this error on my test portal and was unable to recreate the error but I may not have the exact same configuration as you. Can you login to our test site http://www7.smith-consulting.com/ and try to replicate the error. This will determine if the issue is with the latest version of the cart or an issue with your specific dnn portal/cart install.

Please send an email to support@smith-consulting.com if you need a login.

Thanks, Kevin

HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartProduct Level Shipping Not WorkingProduct Level Shipping Not Working