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4/5/2011 7:06 AM

Once again we have to wait to get Google Merchant capability something that we have been waiting for a long time. If I'm not mistaken this was first promised in build 4.22.  The builds keep on getting delayed because of bug fixes and new features such as Google Merchant capability keeps getting pushed back.  What I see is a trend in false promises to deliver new functionality.  It just seems like the teams seem to be fully devoted to bug fixing instead of bringing new functionality forward.

Google Merchant features have been delayed 1 ½ months from when you first promised it and it looks like it might be 2 months.   If all we see is bug fix releases that are beta what is to keep us interested in your products besides hopefully getting a fix for something that use to work in a prior version.  It just seems like you need teams that can carry forward new functionality while another team devoted towards fixes or ensuring that things are properly tested before rolling changes out.  Just my two cents and I would be willing to help test.



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4/6/2011 8:28 AM

See, now I'm on the opposite side of the fence.

I have a cart that's doing almost $100K a month in sales; and there are a couple of bugs that I need fixed, because I'm tired of apologizing to my customers because their pricing isn't right.  Now, out of the blue, the cart has begun informing everyone who tries to check out without logging in that the User Account already exists.  I have other customers who have figured out how to "Cheat" to get discounts.

Personally, I feel that fixing the show-stoppers is much more important than new functionality.


HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartConstant Delays on New FunctionalityConstant Delays on New Functionality