HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartFormatting Cart - alignment issuesFormatting Cart - alignment issues
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9/28/2010 8:57 AM

I have had a devil of a time formatting the cart (cart.ascx), specifically trying to RIGHT align the Subtotal/Tax/Total lines and everything else below that, ideally aligned with the right edge of the cart/grid.

Can you provide an overview of the pane / table widths.

This is what I see in the original cart.ascx

main table is 600px

the grid that is the actual cart is set at 722px

some of the table rows below the grid have <td colspan="4">

everything below that - if I add a <div align="right"> the div moves way over the right (past the cart).

I have managed to center the subtotal/checkout buttons but can't get the ship-to/address lines to move to the right at all.

Changes to the alignment of the various table, table cells and/or adding div produce erratic changes.

Any guidance much appreciated!

New Post
9/28/2010 11:14 AM

If you're not using Firefox with Firebug, do so.

You can try something like style="position: absolute; text-align: right;" (although I've got a heck of a cold, and I don't even know if that makes sense).

What I'm getting at is that when it comes to CSS, you can have the parent element as relative, but have a CHILD element as absolute, in reference to the parent element.

There is a really easy to understand demonstration here: http://www.barelyfitz.com/screencast/html-training/css/positioning/

New Post
4/7/2011 5:08 PM

Thank you. I looked at this some time ago, but thought I'd acknowledge the reply. The site you reference is very useful for css positioning.

HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartFormatting Cart - alignment issuesFormatting Cart - alignment issues