HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartShow visa, amex etc in credit card dropdownShow visa, amex etc in credit card dropdown
New Post
4/12/2011 6:20 PM

Is there a way (or a plan) to allow the user to specify the type of credit card in the dropdown box and thereby show which credit cards are accepted by the site?


New Post
4/12/2011 7:22 PM
Currently the cart doesn't have that feature. As an alternate solution, you could add the credit card logos for the cards that you accept. And also a text message that states "We do not accept AMEX". You would add the logos and message to the step2.ascx file.

New Post
4/13/2011 7:01 AM

Thank you. I added a text caption but will add logos as well. We do accept amex: I assume that was just an example you gave.

New Post
4/13/2011 1:14 PM
Glad I could help! And yes it was just an example.

Thanks, Kevin
New Post
4/15/2011 9:30 AM
Actually, adding a drop-down to specify the type of credit card is one more spot for user error.

You can easily tell what type of credit card is being used; for example, VISA starts with a number 4. MC starts with a number 5.

If, for example, you didn't wish to accept Visa, you could use a REGEX filter in the ascx file to throw a message (Like "Sorry, we don't accept Visa").

HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartShow visa, amex etc in credit card dropdownShow visa, amex etc in credit card dropdown