HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartTags not being filled in in confirmation mailsTags not being filled in in confirmation mails
New Post
4/26/2011 7:08 PM


I just installed the latest 4.28 and the customer mail is getting unassigned tags... See the ones not assigned. Is anyone else getting this?


SubTotal: $119.95
Discount : -$0.00
Sales Tax $0.00
Total: $126.90


New Post
4/27/2011 1:21 PM

Hi Steve,

I was able tho replicate this issue but not exactly can you send me screen shots of  your shipping and handling settings.

Thanks, Kevin

New Post
4/28/2011 9:02 AM

Hi Kevin,

An image is pasted below. Also, when re-sending order information via the admin screen, it shows like this:

SubTotal: $249.00
Discount: -$0.00
Shipping & Handling: [SHIPPING]
Tax: $0.00
Order Total: $255.95

Image is attached...



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New Post
4/28/2011 9:38 AM

I have the same issue with my receipts. Just adding my comment so I'm alerted when the issue is resolved.



New Post
4/28/2011 12:52 PM
Hi Guys,

I was able to replicate this and have sent it to programming. I will post back with an update.

Thanks, Kevin
New Post
4/28/2011 7:10 PM
Hi guys,

A hotfix is now available on the downloads page to solve this issue.

Thanks, Kevin
New Post
5/2/2011 12:14 PM
Hi Kevin,

Thanks for the hotfix! One more module that may need fixing is when you have info sent when managing an order, such as sending the shipping message to the customer. In this case, it still shows as pasted below. But a new order did come in correctly, so maybe a few more DLL's need to be updated also. I did not check re-sending order information also, but maybe that is the same as sending shipping information.

SubTotal: $99.95
Discount: -$0.00
[SNHLABEL] $34.95
Tax: $0.00
Order Total: $134.90
New Post
5/3/2011 8:20 AM

I regularly upgrade my SmithCart install, but just an FYI I am running cart version 4.24 and I also experienced the token issue; your changelog page says that it was only in v4.28. Not sure if that matters or not, but I am assuming that when a hotfix is applied that all later released versions address the issue.

New Post
5/3/2011 1:13 PM
Hi Mike,

You have to upgrade to 4.28 to apply the 4.28 Hotfix.
HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartTags not being filled in in confirmation mailsTags not being filled in in confirmation mails