HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartOrder emails not comming through...Order emails not comming through...
New Post
5/31/2011 6:36 AM

Ever since updating to version 4.2.7 (now on 4.3.2) - I have lost the ability to get emails as an admin stating an roder has been placed and as a user not getting the confirmation email stating the details of my order. I am on DNN 5.6.2.

the odd thing is that I can get an email as a user if I click the Send Ship Email fromt he manage orders screen.

Anyone else having this issue?

New Post
5/31/2011 7:16 AM
I am also having this issue.
Christian M
New Post
5/31/2011 7:20 AM


Can you provide more details about your setup so the support staff has some other things to go by. This has been ongoign for quite sometime and no resolution has surfaced yet. We are using a custom API integration to our own payment gateway. The developers have worked closely with our team to set this up - at this point I am not sure where the error is.

Just curious about the detilas of your setup.

HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartOrder emails not comming through...Order emails not comming through...