HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartBug on shipping calculationBug on shipping calculation
New Post
6/9/2011 9:06 AM

Hi David

we are currently running dnn 5.6.2 and Shopping cart Version:4.34

My shipping method is set to ( Zone Shipping By Quantity) and I've setup my shipping zone by quantity

when i test my cart clicking on the first category of which is Afrikaans CD's it works but when i change the category to  Afrikaans Books it doesn't change the price it keeps on using the same price as the first category.

Please find the bellow shipping zone by quantity setup on my cart and Please advice



Zone Ship Method Category Order Quantity From Order Quantity To Shipping Cost    
South Africa Postage Afrikaans CD's 1 5 30.00 Edit Delete
South Africa Postage Afrikaans CD's 6 10 40.00 Edit Delete
South Africa Postage Afrikaans DVD's 1 5 30.00 Edit Delete
South Africa Postage Afrikaans DVD's 6 10 40.00 Edit Delete
South Africa Postage Afrikaans Books 1 2 30.00 Edit Delete
South Africa Postage Afrikaans Books 3 7 50.00 Edit Delete
South Africa Postage English - CD's 1 5 30.00 Edit Delete
South Africa Postage English - CD's 6 10 40.00 Edit Delete
South Africa Postage English - DVD's 1 5 30.00 Edit Delete
South Africa Postage English - DVD's 6 10 40.00 Edit Delete
South Africa Postage English Books 1 2 30.00 Edit Delete
South Africa Postage English Books 3 7 50.00 Edit Delete
South Africa Postage Afrikaans Books 8 10 60.00 Edit Delete
South Africa Postage English Books 8 10 60.00 Edit Delete
Other Postage English - CD's 1 3 50.00 Edit Delete
Other Postage English - CD's 4 5 150.00 Edit Delete
Other Postage English - CD's 6 7 200.00 Edit Delete



Kind Regards

David Amm

New Post
6/9/2011 10:34 AM
Have you tried clearing your Cookies, or logging off and restarting the order from scratch?
The Shopping Cart seems to store some information in Cookies at the beginning of an order, and the information in the cookies overrides any subsequent changes.
New Post
6/9/2011 3:24 PM


Thanks for your response, I've logged out, cleared my cart and  cleared temporaly files, browser history and my cookies and its stil not working.

Do you have other ideas that i can try?



New Post
6/9/2011 6:27 PM

Hi David,

I just tried to re-produce this error on my test portal and was unable to recreate the issue but I may not have the exact same configuration as you. Can you login to our test site http://www16.smith-consulting.com/ and try to replicate the issue?

This will determine if the issue is with the latest version of the cart or an issue with your specific dnn portal/cart install.

Please email me at http://kevin@smith-consulting.com for login credentials.


Thanks, Kevin

HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartBug on shipping calculationBug on shipping calculation