HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartSubtotal showing "Request a Quote" instead of totalSubtotal showing "Request a Quote" instead of total
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6/17/2011 8:15 AM

I noticed that in my checkout screen the subtotal is not reading a numeric value. It is showing 'Request a quote". I did calculate shipping but that didn't seem to make a different. See screenshot

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6/17/2011 7:01 PM
Hi Mike,

In the buynow module settings under the general cart setup section there is a checkbox titled “Hide Price”. When hide price is checked the “Price” field is hidden and replaced with “Request a Quote” throughout the cart product catalog and checkout. This option will skip the payment screen where the user enters their credit card info.


New Post
6/20/2011 7:03 AM

So instead of checking that box I'd want to just edit one of the acsx files in SmithCart so that Price label and textbox doesn't show. I still want the price to show and calculate on the cart screen and give the customer the ability to checkout, I just don't want them to see the price on the buy.now module.

The reason for this is I am having a custom change where the quantity discount field will be part of the product.detail module instead of being in a tab. This way the customer can easily see what the discounts are if they purchase a certain quantity of product. From that product detail screen they can add to cart. I'm also exploring the option of just having two buttons; one that controls adding the product to the cart, and the other that takes them to product detail (from the buy.now module)

Might you know which file I need to edit? Would it be the same one where I hid the 'Price' field?



New Post
6/21/2011 1:30 AM

Hi Mike,

The only time the price will not calculate is if the product has a set price of 0. The Cart will then skip the payment screen.

If the product has a set price then the price, tax and shipping will calculate as normal. You can change the "Request a Quote' text on the Cart page by changing the value of "RequestQuote" in the Cart.ascx file located in DesktopModules/Smith.BuyNow/App_LocalResources.


New Post
6/21/2011 7:02 AM

Sorry I may have not been clear.

I have removed the 'price' label throught the ascx file, but now I want to remove the actual price of the product. I don't want to 'hide price' in the cart settings because then the 'request a quote' option shows up in the cart. All of my items have a price associated with them. See screenshot

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HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartSubtotal showing "Request a Quote" instead of totalSubtotal showing "Request a Quote" instead of total