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6/29/2011 5:04 PM


I am using Paypal Standard and I have a problem where the payments for my downloads are not automatically taken instead it is setting payment in paypal as capture. I have contacted Paypal developers and they have advised the following.

It is going into a pending status because you are setting the payment action to "Authorization" in your code.  This just places a hold on the funds until you capture at which point the funds will be taken from the buyer.  With authorizations, you would need to either set your site up to automatically perform a delayed capture against the auth, or you would have to do it manually.  If you are wanting the funds at the time of the sale, then you need to adjust your code or shopping cart and set the payment action to "sale" instead of "authorization".

Can you please tell me where I can change this in the Database or ASPX Page.


Kind regards,


New Post
6/29/2011 7:57 PM
Hi Buck,

The only time that authorization is sent in the code is if your have "Authorization Only" enabled in your Cart settings. Unchecking/disabling this feature should allow your transactions process correctly.

Thanks, Kevin
New Post
6/29/2011 8:05 PM

Thanks Kevin for your prompt replay, what setting would I use if I only want to see paypal and no other option, It's says I need to select one.


Kind regards,


New Post
6/29/2011 11:24 PM

Hi Buck,

You can still select PayPal as your Payment Gateway but under Payment Method Setup where you enable the different payment options, select "Credit Card" but not "Authorize Only".


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