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5/11/2010 7:25 PM
I found that I can update the cart with a negative number so the total is a negative number. If I click through to submit the order the system blows up. Is there a fix for this? I don't think the cart quantity should go negative. If I shop at, for instance, Staples.com, I add something to my shopping basket and then try to put a -10 and update the quantity, the negative amount is ignored and the original quantity shows up again. If I put the quantity to a lower positive number, the value is updated.
New Post
5/11/2010 7:49 PM

The product listing and product detail pages don't allow a negative quantity but I did see it on the cart page. We will add some validation on the cart page to disallow negatives. Thanks for the feedback!

At your service,
Dave Smith
DotNetNuke Consulting, DotNetNuke Store and DNN Ecommerce
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5/11/2010 9:09 PM

This is fixed we used the Math.Abs function that is built into dot net to return the absolute value of the number entered in the cart screen so now if the user types in negative number (i.e. -1) it will automatically be converted to a positive. This hotfix will be availible in the next release 2.88

At your service,
Dave Smith
DotNetNuke Consulting, DotNetNuke Store and DNN Ecommerce
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5/12/2010 7:43 AM

Would that still be an unexpected result? If I put in -10 and then get 10 of an item instead of maybe 0, that could be an expensive misunderstanding. Looking at different market baskets, Staples.com takes a negative quantity and just ignores it, leaving the original value. CDW.com takes a negative value and assumes you want the item deleted from the cart. The item just goes away. These are two ways that wouldn't cost a person more than they might be expecting if they aren't paying attention.

New Post
5/12/2010 2:37 PM

I took a look at some of the large ecommerce sites and it seems everyone does it differently but I see what you are saying it might make more sense to validate it and flag it or ignore the negative number and revert back to the qty they had before rather than just removing the negative sign. Its always good to minimize the customer service!


Scott Kelly
Project Manager
DotNetNuke Consulting, DotNetNuke Store and DNN Ecommerce
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5/12/2010 3:12 PM

Hi Scott,

Of the two approaches I think flagging the mistake and making the customer decide what to do is the best way.



New Post
5/12/2010 4:14 PM

Agreed! We are moving forward in that direction.

Scott Kelly
Project Manager
DotNetNuke Consulting, DotNetNuke Store and DNN Ecommerce
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